
Itaim Bibi

Although this neighborhood is popularly known as belonging to the South Zone of Paulo, geographically the neighborhood is located in the West Zone. The confusion is mainly due to the neighborhood being close to Vila Nova Conceição, Vila Olímpia, Jardim Europa and Jardim Paulistano. The main avenue that crosses the neighborhood is Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, which is currently one of the most important places in the country, as it is home to the São Paulo’s financial district. Itaim Bibi is considered an upscale neighborhood in São Paulo, and has a mix of residential and commercial buildings. Being a very busy neighborhood every day of the week, it concentrates a series of award-winning restaurants, bars, schools and green areas, making it easy for the resident to run errands and have fun on weekends all within the neighborhood. Very close to Itaim Bibi is Parque do Povo, a park that has multi-sports courts, gym equipment, a soccer field and walking paths and light trails. For those who prefer walks indoors, also upclose are Shopping JK Iguatemi and Shopping Iguatemi, malls that are referenced not only for their flagship national and international brand stores, but also for having movie theaters with special super comfortable rooms.


Schools: Colégio Bilíngue Pueri Domus, Nossa Senhora das Graças (Gracinha), Escola Lourenço Castanho
Hospitals & Labs: Hospital São Luiz, Hospital Sancta Maggiore, Hospital Sírio-Libanês, Laboratório Fleury, A+ e Salomão Zoppi
Park: Parque do Povo
Grocery Stores: Extra Hipermercado, Pão de Açúcar, St Marche, Oba Hortifruti, Emporium São Paulo
Leisure & Culture: Cinema Kinoplex Itaim, Shopping JK Iguatemi, Teatro Santander, Eataly, Teatro Décio de Almeida Prado, Shopping Iguatemi, Casa Museu Ema Klabin, Museu Brasileiro da Escultura e da Ecologia e Museu da Casa Brasileira
Sports & Social Clubs: Esporte Clube Pinheiros, Hebraica, Club Athlético Paulistano

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