

Pinheiros is an upscale neighborhood located in the West Zone of São Paulo. It has the second highest HDI in the city, being home to several cultural and educational institutes. Even though it is one of the oldest neighborhoods in São Paulo, it has a mix of older buildings and modern high-end constructions that were built recently. By having many squares, parks, restaurants and several leisure options serving its locals, it ended up attracting several young people to the neighborhood, gradually changing the profile of the traditional residents of Pinheiros. Pinheiros borders with Jardim Paulistano, Vila Madalena, Alto de Pinheiros and Cidade Jardim neighborhoods. It also has many residents that work in the Alphaville region, considering its proximity to Marginal Pinheiros, which makes the access to the Barueri region easier compared to other parts of the city. Pinheiros is also a great neighborhood for those who plan not to have a car and use public transportation, as it is served with metro and train stations.


Escolas: Colégio Notre Dame, Colégio Palmares, Colégio Stella Maris, Colégio Objetivo, St. Nicholas, Escola Anglo Brasileira Universidades: Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Faculdade de Engenharia de São Paulo (FESP), UNIP, Universidade Sumaré, Universidade São Judas Tadeu
Hospitais e laboratórios: Hospital da Clínicas, Hospital Sancta Maggiore, Laboratório Lavoisier, A+ Medicina Diagnóstica
Parque: Parque Villa Lobos
Redes de mercados: Mercado Municipal de Pinheiros, Quitanda, Pão de Açúcar, Supermercado Dia
Cultura & Lazer: Museu da Imagem e Som, Sesc Pinheiros, Centro de Cultura Judaica, Instituto Tomie Ohtake, CineSala, Shopping Iguatemi e Shopping Eldorado Clubes: Esporte Clube Pinheiros
Metrô: linha 4-Amarela (estações Faria Lima e Fradique Coutinho) Trem: linha 9-Esmeralda (estações Pinheiros, Hebraica Rebouças e Cidade Universitária).

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